New Case Added

We are proud to announce our 119th Case!

New case added: In our commitment to expand some of the areas in the curriculum we have fewer cases, today we are releasing a case to expand our “Professional Dilemma and Discussions” section.

As such, we introduce you to our newest case. Today you are debriefing Adam. He is the newest member of the Primary Care Network ARRS staff, he is an ANP. He has just seen a 28-year-old patient who has threadworms, as does her 5-month-old daughter. A simple enough case I hear you say… but is it? It is your job to debrief Adam, and ensure that he has managed the case appropriately. Obviously, as this is an SCA case, things aren’t always what they seem. Are you able to work out what’s gone wrong, and manage the situation?

New Case Added: Debriefing ANP - Managing Mistakes

Image by DCStudio on Freepik


New Case Added


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